A & 1 IS THE FOUNDER - A MULTILINGUAL POETRY ANTHOLOGY, 50 +1 Poems In 10+1 Languages. ISBN: 978-9963-668-35-9 By Rubina Andredakis hard cover, 688 pages. - In Poetry or any other form of literature and Art, there are no boundaries, no ethnic, racist or faith discriminations. A multilingual Anthology proves the possibility of proximity of nations, introducing and distributing culture among them.. Specially in difficult times, when peace is threatened and respect overthrown by materialistic greed, such an effort is essential. My current multilingual poetry anthology is produced in 10+1 basic languages and envelopes the five continents, offering my perspective of life, love, respect and every moral principle, value and virtue as has been taught by the great philosophers of the Greek –and not only- ancient world, expressing the wish that respect , love and reason may prevail, in order to bring a blooming spring for every nation’s peaceful coexistence, development and prosperity.